I recently rebuilt my Mac Book Pro - appears OSX also benefits from a spring clean every now and then. When attempting to clone a Git repo hosted on Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) I was hitting an authentication error.

$ git clone ssh://account@account.visualstudio.com:22/DefaultCollection/TeamProject/_git/repo
Cloning into 'repo'...

Your Git command did not succeed.
	Public key authentication failed..

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

NOTE: All references to account should be replaced with your VSTS account name.

Git Authentication

Let’s backtrack slightly. On my Windows machine I use the Git Credential Manager for Windows which can be installed as part of the Git for Windows installer. This authenticates with VSTS and creates a PAT (Personal Access Token) for accessing. There is an equivalent credential manager for Mac and Linux but this requires installing an additional package so I decided to use SSH.

SSH Keys

VSTS has some good step by step instructions on using SSH to authenticate.

I already had an SSH key for GitHub (~/.ssh/github_rsa) - I think this was created by the GitHub Desktop app. Rather than create a new SSH key in the default location ~/.ssh/id_rsa I opted to create one mirroring the naming of the GitHub one, ~/.ssh/vsts_rsa. As this is not the default identity we need to make SSH aware of it using ssh-add. You can verify that the key is registered using ssh-add -l.

At this point I expected to clone the repo and begin work, but not so fast. This was the point I received the error at the start of this post.

Following the information in the VSTS docs, I tested the SSH connection without a Git command.

ssh -T account@account.visualstudio.com

That test worked successfully, so Git was not using the SSH key.

The answer, to create an ssh config. After reading this post I ended up with a config like below:

Host github.com
    User git
    HostName github.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github_rsa
Host account.visualstudio.com
    User account
    HostName account.visualstudio.com
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/vsts_rsa

I use multiple VSTS accounts and this set-up allows for each account to be easily added.

Different user name and email

With authentication handled there was one small item left to deal with, the name and email associated with a commit. While not a big problem between my personal VSTS account and GitHub I did want different values for work accounts. After quite a bit of reading (this post dives into a lot of detail on options), I opted to use the useConfigOnly option and force name and email to be specified per repository.

git config --global user.useConfigOnly true